You can get accurate results by
acknowledging your desires and your worthiness. By been conscious and able to
develop a relationship within your heart and your mind. When your mind and
heart unite you are able to make great decisions.
Mind: When you only use your mind you are
acting from an ego’s perspective and it leads you to control others. When you
attempt to change others and been in control it requires a lot of energy and keeps
you out your light.
Heart: When you only use your heart and let
it leads you, you live in denied and try to hide everything that is not accurate
in your life. Your willpower survives in fear and you try to live in that illusion because
it gives you security and keeps you saved.
Major steps to unite mind
and heart
First: Acknowledging you need a change.
Second: Making the decision to move on.
Third: Praying every day and ask for guidance
to receive the grace to unite mind and heart.
Fourth: Committing to meditation as a
daily spiritual practice.