Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Desire the most powerful thing in the world. You say you want to have it all, but you feel so frightening in the inside that you sabotage your own desires.
Why is that you stop yourself for doing what you want to do?
Do you know what is the reason why don’t follow your dreams?
You don’t go for that aspiration because you are scare of becoming what you are here to be. You are scare of turning on your inner light, worry of changes, feel panic of success, shock to have a prosperous and peaceful life.

You are not the only one. All of us feel scare at the time we need to make choices and face new changes. Go for what you want, don’t let anyone vanish your visions. Pay attention and make your role models the ones that live in love, prosperity, compassion and peace.

Everything is possible, keep longing.

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