Sunday, August 28, 2011


The best gifts on this world are for free. The earth is your friend, talk to her, let her know how much you care for her and how important she is for you. When you are at peace with your world everything in your life works better. We get scared to natural disasters, without knowing that we live in paradise. Sometimes we take things for guarantee believing that we deserve everything, not knowing that we should offer help for the less fortunate.
This universe is paradise but you cannot feel, see and live it until you make peace with everything around you. When you make peace with your environment, everything changes for better. The Earth never tells you “You own me”. She always offers you infinite prosperities. Have you think about all the gifts you receive every day such as: the air you breathe, the sun, sky, seas, etc.? They are costless/free of charge. Life is great, embrace today and always.

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