Monday, October 25, 2010

Something positive to everything

Make a commitment to look at the positive side of every experience. At first you will have to keep reminding yourself to do this. Even when it seems like there is nothing positive about a situation, believe that there is always something positive to everything. Always expect the best from every experience and refuse to waste time contemplating the negative unless there is a beneficial lesson to learn from it, or you’re solving a problem. This converts an undesirable experience to a positive one. Make it a habit to enter into positive situations and to set your expectations to be positive. This, in time, will bring you more of the experiences that you enjoy in your life. Reject thoughts that assume victim mentality and continue to expect the best from the universe as you use your positive affirmations throughout the day. 


  1. We need self growth Spanish writers in this neighborhood. Are you planning to publish your book in Spanish as well?

  2. Definitely, my book will be printed in English and Spanish. I value my community roots and in the USA in general, the Latin/Hispanic community of non-English speakers don’t have the same resources that are offered to the English speaker community. I understand that the Hispanic community is eager for healing and to learn about spiritual wisdom and growth. I will be delighted to guide and be part of this path.

  3. Thanks for your smile and what you are doing to the community.

  4. Thank you for been part of this Universe.
