Sunday, October 24, 2010

Time on earth

We are blessed to be alive and no one has guarantees for our time on earth, so it is important to make the most of our life.


  1. I agree with you. Love this reflection. I will like to learn more about your book.

  2. The book’s main intent is to demonstrate the key role our thoughts play in our life and how they affect us subconsciously. My book will show readers how to be more aware of thought patterns and how positive and negative thoughts affect them. They will develop mind power using effective techniques and strategies that lead to emotional and mental growth. The way we think about success defines our future life’s achievements. Furthermore, the way we use our thoughts determines how we pursue our goals to enjoy our stay on earth. If we say we are unable to do things then we predict our own failure. Our thinking predicts our performance in life’s tasks accordingly. For example, if we believe and think about scarcity, our life will pay off with miseries. And if we think about opulence and attaining success in a chosen endeavor, then we are more likely to succeed.
