Thursday, October 21, 2010


Weakness is caused by all the demands we put on ourselves. Prioritize what is the most important thing. Wouldn’t most people say peace of mind or love? Be aware there is a solution to every problem. If you think something is out of your hands, stop worrying because if that’s true, then there’s nothing else you can do. It’s a waste of time to focus energy on something you cannot change. Instead think positive thoughts about where you want to see yourself. Visualize it, write it down and create affirmations, such as; Saturday I am spending the day with people who are nice and make me laugh or I will create a new goal. Be aware that you have the power to be the architect of your dreams no matter what your life is like.


  1. That makes a lot of sense. When I was little boy and I was scared of the dark, my mom used to tell me to think happy thoughts and that used to change the whole scenario of my fears. Now I still do that, not only for fears but for all the different circunstance of my life, and the results are surprising. Thanks for taking the time to share your gift with us.

  2. Indeed. Our fears have more to do with an inner state of mind rather than an exterior situation. Our fears are a reflection of our sense of self and our ability to handle this world.
