Sunday, October 31, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010


Health is the most important component of our lives yet many of us take it for granted and focus our energy on the tiny percent of our life that is not going well.  Focus on the part of your health that is not well, bless it, treat it with love and declare it is well. Know that you have the power to make your health better by doing whatever it is that you think should be done but also know that positive thoughts will ease the process of getting you better in every imaginable way. Have faith in the procedures and treatments you follow and use these affirmations to feel better. Maintain a healthy diet by learning about nutrition and follow recommendations.  Enjoy the health you have and be happy with the anticipation that the parts that need to heal will improve everyday!  Keep affirming that health is on the way.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Healing is an important step in this journey. Sometimes it is difficult to move on until we heal past wounds. In order to heal we must forgive. Forgiveness takes time because it is difficult for us to concentrate on us instead of on that other person. Sometimes we defend our resentments and argue that the person does not deserve our forgiveness and so ultimately we do not realize that we deserve the forgiveness and that it is about us.  We have to forgive because the opposite feelings, such as resentment, anger and revenge do not serve anybody. These negative feeling acts as toxics that expands through the whole body making it vulnerable to various illnesses. Negative energy of resentment cannot contribute to happiness. When we become free of those negative feelings and forgive people and ourselves for our own wrongs, we open up the doors for our internal freedom. Letting go of resentment doesn’t mean to have contact with that person or to condone what they have done to you. It means that whatever experience you had before will not hold back your happiness. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Faith in ourselves

Going through life accepting others' judgments about our capabilities affects our faith in ourselves. Sometimes we only accomplish certain things because someone else expects it, or we want to prove to them we can do it. People do things for prestige or financial rewards instead of choosing to do what satisfies their heart. It might be difficult to achieve goals that you have chosen for these reasons if you have no deep desire to achieve this goal yourself.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Be happy

I truly believe our true purpose in this world is to be happy and joyful enjoying all abundance of this Eden. Sometimes it is easier for us to provide happiness to someone else instead of ourselves. Nothing is more important in the world than for you to be happy so take the deliberate time to make yourself happy today. Imagine enjoying your life to the fullest. The amount of time you spend being happy will increase daily until you get to a point where you are mostly happy and joyful throughout your typical day.

Ser feliz

Nuestro verdadero propósito en este mundo es ser feliz y disfrutar de todas las abundancias de este Edén. A veces es más fácil para nosotros proveerles felicidad a otras personas en lugar de proporcionárnosla a nosotros mismos. Nada es más importante en el mundo que usted sea feliz. Imagínese disfrutando de su vida al máximo. Hoy tómese tiempo deliberado para sentirse feliz. La cantidad de tiempo que pasa sintiéndose feliz aumentará diariamente hasta llegar un punto en el que la mayor parte de su día se sentirá feliz y alegre

Monday, October 25, 2010

Something positive to everything

Make a commitment to look at the positive side of every experience. At first you will have to keep reminding yourself to do this. Even when it seems like there is nothing positive about a situation, believe that there is always something positive to everything. Always expect the best from every experience and refuse to waste time contemplating the negative unless there is a beneficial lesson to learn from it, or you’re solving a problem. This converts an undesirable experience to a positive one. Make it a habit to enter into positive situations and to set your expectations to be positive. This, in time, will bring you more of the experiences that you enjoy in your life. Reject thoughts that assume victim mentality and continue to expect the best from the universe as you use your positive affirmations throughout the day. 

Lo mejor de cada experiencia

Miremos el lado positivo de cada experiencia. Al principio tendrá que recordarse a si mismo para mantenerse en balance. Aun cuando parezca que no hay nada positivo acerca una situación, mantenga la fe que siempre hay algo positivo detrás de cada experiencia. Siempre espere lo mejor de cada experiencia y negase a perder el tiempo contemplando lo negativo al menos que exista una lección beneficiosa de aprender, o el  problema se este resolviendo. Esto convertirá una experiencia indeseable a un balance positivo. Mediante el tiempo atraerá más experiencias que usted disfrutara en su vida. Rechace pensamientos de sentirse la víctima y siga a esperando lo mejor del universo mediante la practica de afirmaciones positivas durante todo el día.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Time on earth

We are blessed to be alive and no one has guarantees for our time on earth, so it is important to make the most of our life.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Afirmación del Día

Mi vida está llena de paz, amor y harmonía.


Today/Tomorrow, when you get out of bed, and place your feet on the floor, give thanks for the strengths of your legs that allow you to move around. Then, open the windows or blinds to let the light shine in your house or apartment. Give gratitude because you have once again received the gift of life. Be thankful you are able to use your hands, and have the ability to create a new day. What a marvelous life!


We are blessed to be alive and no one has guarantees for our time on earth, so it is important to make the most of your life. Take a moment in silence before you get out of bed to offer some gratitude to the universe. If you have extra time, try to visualize what you want to manifest during the day, any goals you want to accomplish.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Weakness is caused by all the demands we put on ourselves. Prioritize what is the most important thing. Wouldn’t most people say peace of mind or love? Be aware there is a solution to every problem. If you think something is out of your hands, stop worrying because if that’s true, then there’s nothing else you can do. It’s a waste of time to focus energy on something you cannot change. Instead think positive thoughts about where you want to see yourself. Visualize it, write it down and create affirmations, such as; Saturday I am spending the day with people who are nice and make me laugh or I will create a new goal. Be aware that you have the power to be the architect of your dreams no matter what your life is like.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Attitude plays an important role in our everyday experiences. If we begin each day with a positive attitude, the universe responds by providing us with wonderful experiences throughout the day. Make a conscious decision to wake up in the morning and feel joyful about the first breaths that you take.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Begin to Love Your BODY

Start loving your BODY, it is your temple.  It doesn’t matter if you think something is missing, or it is over weight.  If you don’t love it today the way it is, you will neither love it when you obtain the figure you wish.  Today is the day to start embracing it, don’t wait for tomorrow to take this action.   Now make a list from hair to toes and describe all the benefits you obtain from your BODY.  Tomorrow, continue this exercise with the organs, follow by nervous system, etc.

Poemas de Amor de Rumy

El despertar
Al rayar el alba de la dicha
me besaste por tres veces
 haciéndome despertar
 a este momento de amor.

Intente recordar
lo que soñé por la noche
cuando conocía aun
esta mañana de la vida.

Encontré mis sueños,
mas la luna me llevo con ella.
Me subió hasta el firmamento
Y allí me dejó en suspenso.
Vi mi corazón caído
en tu camino
cantando una canción.

Entre mi amor y mi corazón
Sucedían cosas que
 despacio, muy despacio,
 me hicieron recordarlo todo.

Me he despertado con tu rose
Aunque no haya visto tus manos.
Me has besado con ternura
Aunque no haya visto tus labios.
Te has ocultado a mí
pero eres tu quien me da vida.

Tal vez llegue el día
En que te canses de los besos.
Me sentiré feliz
Aun recibiendo insultos.
Me conformo
con que me prestes
un poco de tu atención.

Poemas de Amor de Rumy

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Bad behaviors can always be replaced by good habits

Sometimes we demand too much from ourselves or we criticizing everything we do. Healing cannot be possible if we think we are bad, or that we don’t deserve prosperity. There are a lot of people who think they do not deserve better, they consider themselves bad, out of luck, or suffering from bad karma. Once I heard someone say, “There are no bad people, there are only people with bad habits.” Bad behaviors can always be replaced by good habits; we just need the longing to change. If we let go of past resentments, everything around us improves, even our health. My intention is to motivate people to feel blessed for their life, stop resisting inner and outer growth and to start enjoying life to the fullest now.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Love is the center of our being

Love is the source and pleasure of life. Loving your self is the most important part of our lives. Love is the center of our being and our main power. Unfortunately, some of the time we look for love in the wrong places. In our society we learn to love others first by paying attention to the needs of others before we learn to love ourselves. Very often people don’t like to be alone because they haven’t learned to enjoy their own solitary company. Teaching someone to like himself is more difficult than to teach him to like someone else.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Do you know what FAITH can do? Chilean miners’ miracles are evidence of faith, hope, pray and love. As the news mentioned no one has ever been trapped so long and survived.

Do you believe in miracles? After 69-day torment that captivated the world Chilean miners’ rescue is a blessing.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Everything in our life has to harmonize.  We have to make personal balance inside to make the rest work. Before we want to love and assist someone else we need to work in our own needs. We cannot be good parents, good at work or in a relationship until we don’t have a good relationship with ourselves.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Las emociones son buenas, pero necesitan tener límites.   Si queremos cumplir lo que se está designado para nosotros tenemos que  aprender a cuidar al niño interior que existe dentro de nosotros.  Dar amor a ese niño, abrazar el temor.   Nuestros temores nos paralizan, sigue aumentando hasta que decidimos parar y  hacerles frente, abraza y conviértete en amigo de tus temores.  Dale amor y tiempo para que este se desvanezca poco apoco.


If you think with strong passion in anything you want, even though if it doest exist you can create it. Faith is the main key to succeed

Friday, October 8, 2010


We all face crisis and disappointments, believe or not these crisis and disappointments turn up to be our best gratifications.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Energy within us

Have there been any moments of your live where your relationship, job, or business is not going well and you don’t know why?  Yet, we want that person or situation to change for the sake of us, but we don’t try to make changes in our lives. Some years later, five, eight, ten or more, we realize that we continue attracting the same type of people and experiences in our lives, which have the same patterns and habits. Unfortunately, this situation remains, until we realize that we need to make a decision and confront the situation. The best solution to resolve this condition is seeking for help to discover what part of us needs to be changed.  My book owns methods to help you make those changes and help you discover all the power that exists within you.  Using your mind and faith can attract all the prosperities you have been looking for.

Embracing my experiences

We need to see each experience as a lesson that leads us to our highest potential, and to remember that manifesting our desires makes us discover our strength and wisdom.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Cuando no tomamos decisiones

Hay momentos de nuestras vidas que tenemos una relación, un trabajo, o negocio que no marcha bien y no sabemos porque. Queremos que esa persona o situación cambie para bien de nosotros, pero no tratamos de hacer cambios en nuestras vidas.  Años más tarde, cinco, ocho, diez, más, nos damos cuenta que continuamos atrayendo el mismo tipo de persona y experiencias en nuestras vidas, que poseen los mismos patrones y hábitos. Lamentablemente esto sigue ocurriendo hasta el momento que tomamos conciencia y dispongamos tomar una decisión de enfrentar la situación. Necesitamos buscar ayuda y descubrir que parte de nosotros necesita cambiar. Mi libro posee métodos para ayudarte a hacer esos cambios y ayudarte a descubrir todo el poder que existe en ti. Usando tu mente y Fe puedes atraer todas las cosa buenas que quieres en tu vida.

Time to reach your highest potential

Had you been in the situation?  Somewhere in our childhood or maybe in our lives we permitted circumstances or people to convince us that we were not completely reliable or able, that we were worth less. We began to have doubts in our own abilities and by now are convinced that there is very little we can do that will be good enough. Life has caused us to be skeptical of our ability to prosper and succeed. We often lack the complete confidence that we are perfect beings with all the tools and resources to do everything that we want perfectly. In my book you will learn different techniques you can used to reach your highest potential.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Prosperity has more to do with an inner state of mind rather than an exterior situation. There are many people who think they don’t deserve better, they consider themselves bad, out of luck, or suffering from bad karma. Abundance and success cannot be possible if we think we are not worthy, don’t have a career, and don’t deserve wealth because we weren’t born into a rich family. Prosperity is available to all of us and in my workshops and my book I can offer your different techniques of how to use your own mind power, and achieve your desires in prosperity.


To live in harmony is to constantly remind yourself of what make you feel good.

Monday, October 4, 2010

One of my miracles

Every day I receive miracles.  I am meeting the right people, events and things that I need to experience.  I feel synchronized with source.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Sunday Quote

“Loving myself makes me feel everything is possible”
                                                                       Rafaela Alba